I love indian food, hot fudge, bon iver, movie nights

I'm a Jacksonville, FL storyteller who's obsessed with documenting madly in love couples and military homecomings. More than that I'm just a native Arizona girl turned everywhere-er, chasing life's adventures with my sweetheart pilot husband and our two daughters. 

Hey friend, I'm Shandi!

Let's connect

It was the best day of my life, but guess what? I was putting myself in a box I thought I was supposed to be in. We were doing everything we "thought we should". It wasn’t until after our wedding was over that I realized we had done it all wrong.

Now, I look back at our pictures and cringe. Not because they are bad pictures, but because they aren’t US. Like, AT. ALL.

After a few years of “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up,” I bought a camera, taught myself almost everything I know, and now I’m here to show you that you don’t fit in a box either and don’t have to make the same mistake we did. I’ve been there so you don’t have to.

Lets rewind to 2011 when I said, “I do” on Jax beach, midday, surrounded by half-naked strangers...

I don't fit in a box and you shouldn't have to either.

lets be friends @shandilynnphoto

shandi lynn photo